A fresh start

2 min read

Being a father of three young children, free time continues to be the most precious and elusive resource in my daily life – which I'm in constant struggle to find. Rather than expecting a magical chunk of responsibility-free time to appear, I've decided to take the approach of utilizing the in-between moments that I'd normally burn away reading an article or watching an episode of whatever catches my attention.

Working on various curiosity projects in this manner definitely has its downsides as it results in frequent context switching and reorienting myself each time I start back up, which is never fun. That being said, I've been able to slowly chip away at this blog while learning VuePress – so the effort seems to have paid off to some degree. The list of new tools, libraries, and frameworks that I've been curious to dabble in has been growing, and ended up being the motivation for me to finally take steps to get this blog back up and running.

A few of the areas that I've been excited to try and figure out are:

icon-check-square Using Vuepress for creating pre-rendered, static SPA (this blog!)
icon-check Digging deeper into Vue, Vue Router and VueX
icon-check Getting better with Craft CMS + Commerce
icon-check Learn React & Framer X

Blogging what I learn has been helpful in committing new concepts to memory while doubling up as a repository to reference when I have trouble recalling things (which seems to be increasing in frequency 😭). Hopefully what gets logged here will also be a resource for a curious wanderer that happpens to be stumbling through the same topics I'm exploring.

Nonviolent Communication

by Marshall Rosenberg

A communication and conflict-resolution process developed by the psychologist Marshall Rosenberg. The book focuses on how to express ourselves in a way that inspires empathy in others, and how to listen to them empathically in turn.